His instrument of choice? The Voyage-Air VAOM-02, thanks to its rugged, compact shape and great tone. He was truly touched and moved by the gift. He called the guitar “the best gift I’ve ever received, other than my fiancĂ© Ashley.”
Charlie is an amazing musician: gifted with a great singing voice, as well as great guitar chops. He reports that he hasn’t had a day off in four months, has had to endure below-zero weather, in addition to the stress of having to be on constant alert. And in these extreme conditions, the Voyage-Air guitar is by his side, and is holding up great!
Every day, Charlie looks to his Voyage-Air Guitar to allow him a few minutes of musical pleasure… and the feeling of being “normal.” In addition to informal performances in off moments, Charlie is also giving guitar lessons to fellow soldiers. Charlie’s really special: using his Voyage-Air guitar to spread the gift of music under wartime conditions. We thank Charlie. You should too.