And... Voyage-Air Guitar is donating a VAD-06 Songwriter guitar for a "Silent Auction" - with the proceeds going to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation. Recording artists James Corbin and Forced Entry will be performing at the event!
Joshua Romaker founded Champion Records, which sponsors the event. Joshua has a heart for music and a head for business. His soul is with the military, so he is combining all of his passions into a live concert benefit with proceeds going toward a group that helps families of soldiers killed in service.
Romaker started Champion Records as a way to showcase military recordings to the rest of the world. "With deployments, I kind of found that a lot of guys take the guitars out to relieve them of stress. There's some really, really talented musicians."
But, he said, the mainstream record labels "won't touch them," many times because of contractual obligations with military. "I kind of took the bull by the horns, got back home and started one up." Soldiers and citizens can go to the Champion Records Web site and upload music or download their own.
"It just kind of snowballed from there. I want to get the word out about the military musicians and how talented they are."
To donate to the Warrior Foundation, visit the championrecords.com website and click on the PayPal icon. This website also has more information about the performers for the LIVE ON THE LAWN concert.
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